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There are a lot of areas to consider when buying art. For some it’s purely a matter of aesthetics – if a piece catches our eye, then the plastic card comes out and we’re now the owner of something special. Others, purchase purely for investment purposes.

Regardless of your reasons for acquiring a new piece of art, it is very often the case that you’re going to be parting with a substantial amount of money. And, as you would with everything from a second-hand car to a new home, it often pays to obtain the expertise of someone with extensive knowledge on the subject before putting your hand in your pocket.


There are many contributing factors which an expert will take in to account when advising you. And there are equally as many strategies that the seller will adopt to over value a piece they are looking to sell.

Exclusivity: Some art dealers have exclusive contracts with artists, and, as such, can raise the price frequently. This method is employed to give the appearance that a work is rising rapidly in value, when it’s simply a case of the dealer raising the price to give a false impression.

The promising career: If an artist is new on the scene, the dealer may argue they are a rising star, with a promising career ahead of them. As such, you should pick up a piece early, before their career takes off, and the price goes through the roof. He may well be correct, but it’s a gamble.

The Display

Any art dealer worth their salt will have eye catching displays designed specifically to allure a would-be buyer in to parting with their money. However, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee the same piece will enjoy the same appeal when rehomed.

It always pays to be able to imagine how a piece will appear in a real home, and to spot any display tricks the dealer may be employing. After all, the displaying of art is very personal and subjective and what works for one, may not work for another.

The Value of an Expert

While the final decision must be yours, it’s important to have an expert by your side so they can see through the sales pitch, advise you on value, and give honest answers to any questions or concerns that you may have.

Florian Kappe Fine Arts has decades of experience in the buying and selling of art, and are here to assist you at any time. With an impartial expert by your side, the chances of you regretting making a purchase further down the line are greatly reduced.

Please get in touch today for more information.
